יצרנים מיוצגים
כנסים ואירועים
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Established in 1955, Eastronics is a large hi-tech distributor in Israel.

Eastronics is a leading Israeli company in sales, marketing, service and support of high tech products, with a strong
Design-In/Demand Creation activity.

Among the broad spectrum of technologies and products we offer to our customers:
bul5_2  Intel Architecture CPU's
bul5_2  Artificial Intelligence Solutions
bul5_2  Systems on Modules (SOMs)
bul5_2  Programmable Logic Devices

bul5_2  FPGA Based Performance Acceleration Modules and Systems

bul5_2  Flash Memories
bul5_2  DRAMs
bul5_2  Solid State Disks (SSDs)
bul5_2  Communication Components
bul5_2  Analog and Mix-Signal Components
bul5_2  Power Solutions
bul5_2  Embedded Systems
bul5_2  Embedded Operating Systems
bul5_2  Industrial LCD Modules
bul5_2  M2M/IoT Solutions:From Sensor to Cloud and Everything in Between
bul5_2  Test & Measurement Equipment
bul5_2  Homeland Security Systems
bul5_2  PC and Servers Building Blocks
bul5_2  Storage Solutions

Eastronics employs a large group of highly experienced and professional Application Engineers from diverse
background and disciplines, supporting demand creation / design-in activities from the early stage of the projects
definition until production.

Our customers and suppliers benefit from our advanced CRM and ERP fulfillment systems, supporting the entire
supply chain cycle, including VMI services and EDI communication.

We offer to our customers and principles a long term and mutually beneficial business partnership with a leading,
innovative and people friendly organization.


Tel Aviv

Eastronics is located north of Tel Aviv.

The premises include warehouses, integration center, service laboratories, demo centers, training facilities and offices.


New York 

Newtronix Systems Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Eastronics, is located in Long Island, NY.



Group Management


Mr. Michael Kenny - Managing Director             

Mr. Arie Eitan - Vice President                          

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